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Based on 775 reviews
Easy Setup

Works good with my 3rd party gate opener.

good so far need to better contain the wire adjusting the arm max movement


Very useful product !!! Simple installation!!

Easy to instal

Gate came with good instructions and was very easy to program.

Solar gate opener

This is SOOOOO much better than jumping out of the car to open the gate...working SUPER 👌

TC173 Wireless Push Button Remote Control Transmitter for Gate Opener

Good product

Remote works every time. Wish they were water proof. Would save me many dollars to replace these expensive remotes every time I forget I have one in my pocket when I go for a swim. Please consider making them water proof even if it cost a little more. My car remote and my IPhone made it through the swim.

Dear Don, thanks for your precious review and advice. We TOPENS are always dedicated to progressing our products. Please feel free to contact our service email ( directly if you have any further concerns. Our customer service will provide you with the corresponding help within 24 hours.

M12 Gate Remotes

They work wonderfully and makes life much easier. Love them.

Like this product a lot!!

Great customer support!! Pretty easy to install. I feel much safer now!!

For Extra Cost Only
Rigo Benitez

For Extra Cost Only

Wow! That was fast!

I ordered from Topens website and when I got from work the next day it was on my porch!

For Extra Cost Only
Peter Oughtibridge
Topens control box

Excellent service & help throughout, Nancy at Topens is brilliant - soooo helpful

TC147 Wall Push Button Switch for Automatic Gate Opener

Programmed and working well

TC173 Wireless Push Button Remote Control Transmitter for Gate Opener

Works great!

These are easy to program to work your gate. I'm sure you'll be pleased with 'em.

On Time Delivery

I Like the On Time Delivery

Solid panel gates

After not being able to find suitable
Openers for solid panel vinyl gates I reached out to topens who quickly replied without concerns and recommended a couple options. I ended up ordering the largest JY9132 opener which I’m sure it way overkill. I did this so I had a little insurance if the gate experienced high wind at some point while operating.

I added PVC wood to the gates screwed and siliconed on with through bolts mounting hardware.

To this point everything is operating perfectly and I would recommend these openers and controls. It took awhile staging everything but once it was all ready install was reasonable. Picture was during install, wiring was later secured to the pvc wood.

For Extra Cost Only
Chris Miller
Easy Way to Get Custom Option

With instructions from TOPENS support I was able to get a custom sized gear using the Extra Cost Only store.

For Extra Cost Only
Congratulations Zack

Zack's attention has been excellent, he allowed me to solve the problem I had and he recommended me promptly Extra Cost Only

It works

Easy to install. Instructions could be better. Gate open and closed as it should

For Extra Cost Only
David Allgood

I have never come across such incredible support. I was helped all the way through my problems. Once again thank you Topens

TOPENS CF800 Fast Sliding Gate Opener

Easy Install

At first the system appeared complex, but once started it all fell into place. The system is very reliable.